Well, we didn't quite get that good night's sleep. We are still getting used to the time difference so we tried to go bed pretty early (like 10pm) which is actually 5pm so we both woke up an hour or so later like we'd just taken a little nap. Luckily, the coffee here is amazing and super strong - even Steve has to put sugar in it. It's cool - there are coffee and pastry shops just about ever block and you go in and have a little cafe standing right there at the "bar." We can definitely get used to that. The food is great - just look at our picture of one of the many butcher shops. Last night, we had some excellent seafood and we just finished off a bag of roasted chesnuts.
Lisbon is beautiful and our hostel is in a great section overlooking the river. There is cobblestone everywhere and lots of painted tiles and terraces on the buildings. Yesterday and today so far we have toured around the areas of Baixa (mainly shopping), Alfama (lots of history with twisty cobblestone roads), and Belem (more historic sites including a huge old monastery). I think we've realized we are basically going to be spending the next five weeks just walking.
Tonight, there is a 5 euro Portuguese meal at the hostel for dinner at 9pm (dinner is late here - perfect for us) which we are going to go to and then tomorrow some more sightseeing and then off to Madrid. We think we might take the bus over to Spain - it's a good deal cheaper - so wish us luck. Hopefully, we'll find some faster internet over there so you can see some of our (many) photos - most of which are Steve standing in front of this or that monument.
We'll write back soon.
mmm lamb, drink lots of coffee!