Sevilla is an excellent walking city - except for the small alleys, speeding motorists, and no sidewalks. But, we enjoyed our time in Sevilla. Unfornately, our pictures cannot capture the scenic buildings, paths through the city, and overall atmosphere.. We definitely had a good time and would recommend anyone to visit if they have the chance. Sevilla is “muy romantico,” but full of tourists. The tapas and food were good, although a little expensive. Also, no chocolate y churros. Steve is going through churro withdrawal.
Our hostel – Samay - was great. It was clean, comfortable, and the staff was friendly. We had two Australian and two Thai roommates. Steve had to share the dorm room with five women. Of course, Steve was last on the shower list, but he looks for excuses not to take a shower anyway. We also had the opportunity to do laundry there, so we are back to having some clean clothes!!!
Currently, we are on a three-hour bus ride to Tarifa, Spain. It is a small city (15,000 pop.) on the beach at the most southern point of Spain. It is very popular for kitesurfing, in case you are interested, Travis. We decided to skip Cadiz, which is more of a tourist destination (plus it saves us a train ride and some more motion sickness for Kelly.)
Only three days left in Spain, then onto Morocco!!!
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