First, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hoffman!! Kelly and I attended their wonderful wedding ceremony and we felt honored to be a part of their special day.
Our trip started with a quick tour of some of the Mid-Atlantic states. On Friday, we passed through PA, DE, MD, and VA on our way to Carrie and Patrick's Wedding and did not return to the four star Walls B&B (aka my grandparents' house) until 2:00 a.m. Just in time to double check our bags, take a quick shower (yes, Kelly really did take a quick shower), and grab a cup of coffee before we had to leave at 4:30 a.m. to catch our 6:30 a.m. flight.
Overall, the flight went well. We arrived safely in Guatemala City and immediately took a cab to Antigua. The hour long cab ride cost only $20!!
So far, Antigua is perfect. Our hostel seems to be clean, friendly, and fairly quiet. The town itself is amazing! It is surrounded by 3 volcanos that peak above the clouds (climbing to the top seems intimidating) and the people are very friendly. Tomorrow is our big overnight trek to Volcan Pacaya, so stay tuned.
We just wanted to let our friends and family know that we made it safely, with only a few scary moments of turbulence when landing in Guatemala. We will be adding pictures either tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks all!